Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week ten - submission of Assignment 2: Assessing and Manipulating videos for the ESL classroom

         Satisfied! Relief! Happy! Those words reflected my feelings as this week we have to submit our second assignment. We have to manipulate the Earth Song by Michael Jackson and then we have to find another video. This is the link for our second video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB55V2wpwYI&feature=related

You may visit this url as you can find that this video is interesting in order to be applied in the classroom.


          In this assignment, we have to work as a pair work. My partner is Azliza Ramlee. This is our second time work as pair work as our first collaboration is on video edit task. I wanted to keep on work with her because she is good and she is the best partner ever. Thanks to you Azliza. Besides, she supported me while I am facing with difficulties through out finishing this assignment. I found that choosing the right partner is really important as we need to complement each other in order to produce quality of work. While dealing with this assignment, we discussed to divide the work. Azliza was taking the Earth song video while I took the second video. This is because the consideration of time consuming. However, even though we did not do the work together, we still discuss if anyone of us faced with problems while doing the assignment. From this assignment, I realized how cooperation is important.


          For second assignment, we have to manipulate and produce new materials in order to use in the ESL classroom. I decided to choose use pictures that have been extracted from the video to be the new developing material. This because it is suitable with my teaching point which is giving instructions. These pictures will help a teacher to give instruction to pupil. Yet, they are also will be used in the production stage. So, as a teacher, it is essential to produce and manipulate the materials as it is not a waste. Moreover, it shows our creativity as many things can be produced from a single video clip.


          For the task for this week, Puan Foziah has introduced on how to use Microsoft Publisher. We have to work in pair and my partner is Azliza. I am comfortable work with her and that is why I still want to work with her. We have to create pamphlet, business card, poster and book cover for this task. Puan Foziah has left some room for us to create any theme for our task. For second task, it is a group work. My group members are Azliza, Huda, Rimala and Safrina. Using Microsoft Publisher, we have to create a newsletter. We decided to create a newletter for Cooking club.




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