Thursday, August 28, 2008

week seven

After we have 1 week semester break, I felt fresh to learn a new topic. This week, we have to produce e-book for Primary School students. We have to refer to Curriculum Specifications so that our e-book is related with their syllabus. Puan Foziah reminded us to choose the topic and t for title for our e-book.

This time, I preferred to do as a pair work. I worked with Azliza Ramlee again as I found that I am comfortable to work with her. Besides, she has many creative ideas in her mind. We decided to choose topic clothes and the title is “Look at me”. We have referred to CS year 3.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

week six-video editing

We got a new assignment for this week. They are two assignments which is for pair work and group work. Firstly, we have to edit a video from a reality show “So You Think You Can Dance”. It is a group work. After we have doing our assignments individually and in pair work, this is the time for us to work in group of five/six. We have divided the tasks so that the smoothness of the work can be achieved. We try to finish it before the semester break starts. Luckily, we manage to finish it. Thanks a lot to my group member, Azliza, Safrina, Huda Pauzi and Fikkri.

In this assignment, we have to download the videos from Then, we have to join the raw materials to a complete video. After that, the splitting skill will be tested as we have to split the video. We have to select the dance parts only. We choose to use Windows Movie Maker and Cyberlink Power Director in order to join and split the video.

Secondly, it is a pair work. My partner is Azliza Ramlee. I cannot wait to do this assignment because we have to produce a video about anything. However, Puan Foziah has reminded us to find the concept and the theme for our video. Before we start or plan our video, she has shown our seniors work. We have sketched our video and we have referred it to her so that we are in the right track.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Week five-Audio Editing

Before Puan Foziah starting her lesson about audio editing, we have to work in group and discuss the topic identifying priorities in young learners’ language acquisition. As a teacher, it is essential to know that children learning a second language involve negotiating meaning rather than translating word by word in a particular sentence.
Children might face with difficulties while learning second language. So, it is important for a teacher to guide them in order to acquire the language. For example, by using relia, real object, prompting, use Total Physical Response Approach and so on. I realize that I should be creative and verify my techniques so that it will suit with my students’ level of proficiency.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week Four-Photo Editing

Wow! It is quite enjoyable to learn about photo editing. I felt excited because I knew after this class I can edit my photo since I am not photogenic. But it is not important as how I am going to use this knowledge for my students is more important. Puan Foziah has shown before and after edit picture to us. It is impressing because the original photo is very simple and after she edited the photo, it became an interesting photo. Before this, I just know that there is super impose and from this class, I can learn how to create a new one. I realized that it is not impossible if we want to edit our photo. For some people, photo brings memory and it is black and white evidence that can be shown to their children as well as their grandchildren.

For me as a teacher, photo can be one of the resources that can be used in the classroom. Photo can help me to teach English language as it can trigger pupils’ attention and make them provide the language. However, the photo should be appropriate and clearer so that pupils can see the photo clearly and what we want them to learn will be understand vividly. If the photo is small in size, not clear and cannot be seen throughout the class, it is difficult to teach them. From this class, I learnt how to remove red eye, brightness, crop, resize and put some effects to the photo by using software like Adobe Photoshop and Picasa. I have asked one of my friends what software has use as she experts in editing photo. She suggested to use Photo Pos Pro and Anvsoft Photo Manager. Thanks to her.

I cannot wait to apply this new skill as it is important to try what we have learnt. So, we can test whether we can acquire this skill or not. As a task, she asked us to choose any photo and edit it. Then, we have to upload it in the Photobucket so that everyone in this world can watch our masterpiece.